T-shirt survey results

Total number of forms77100%
Interested in T-shirt5672.73%
Maybe interested1924.68%
Not interested22.60%

Preferred size
Small (S)00.00%
Medium (M)68.00%
Large (L)2330.67%
Extra Large (XL)3344.00%
Largest (XXL)1317.33%
Average size (S=1, XXL=5)3.71

Preferred print
Full colour front + 2 colour or b&w backprint4661.33%
2 colour front and backprint912.00%
Full colour front only1824.00%
2 colour front only00.00%

Preferred cost
Less than 15 DM45.33%
15-20 DM1722.67%
20-25 DM2128.00%
25-30 DM1824.00%
30-35 DM68.00%
35 DM or more56.67%
Average cost24.23 DM

Visiting Cologne '98, Germany show7597.40%

It seems obvious there is a reasonably healthy interest in a T-shirt, and most people who participated in the survey will also go to the Cologne show, so should be able to get it easily. Not surprisingly most want a high quality shirt with full colour print, barring any circumstances that's what we will aim for. A gallery with possible designs will be put up very shortly, a couple more designs have come in since the first three. If you are jogged by those, the time to submit your idea or design is yesterday, so hurry up :)