This page encompasses effort press releases and articles on or sightings of our effort in the media in any form. If you come across an online news service, printed media, television, radio or any other kind of mention, please mail the team coordinator. If you don't see any mention, make one! Let's show the world what the Amiga community is made of!

Press releases

27-Sep-2002RC5-64 is finished - Distributed Amiga goes on
15-Jun-2001RC5-64 halfway done - the Distributed Amiga team joins the fight against cancer
02-Jul-2000The Amiga RC5 Team effort client programs have been updated
22-Oct-99The Amiga RC5 Team effort celebrates second anniversary of RC5-64 challenge
21-Jul-99The Amiga RC5 Team effort moves up to fifth overall ranking in statistics
29-Apr-99The Amiga RC5 Team effort strengthened by PowerPC
17-Jan-99The Amiga RC5 Team effort takes on DES III challenge
20-Aug-98The Amiga RC5 Team effort celebrates its first anniversary
01-Jun-98Continuing the Amiga future with DES II-2 and new clients
15-Feb-98Amiga full steam ahead in DES II challenge
05-Dec-97The Amiga RC5 Team effort enters PowerPC age
22-Oct-97The Amiga RC5 Team effort starts tackling RC5-64
07-Oct-97The Amiga RC5 Team effort enters top 10
08-Sep-97Join the Amiga Effort to Crack the Code and Beat the RSA Secret-Key Challenge
21-Aug-97Join the Amiga RC5 Team - first PR posted to comp.sys.amiga.announce

The press about us

Jan-2000amigaOS MagazinCracken und Hacken ganz legal - Das RC5-Projekt by Robbie Schäfer
(Amiga RC5 team effort article and interview with Thomas Tavoly (English version online here))
07-Sep-99AmiWorld OnlineInterview with Thomas Tavoly, Amiga RC5 Team effort coordinator (English) · (Italian) by Roberto Patriarca
25-Aug-99Wired MagazineRC5 helps recover stolen computers by Andy Patrizio
(general distributed/RC5 article)
Dec-98Amiga Format MagazineAF118 - RC5 update by Ben Vost
Oct-98CU Amiga MagazineMyzar nominated top download of the month by David Stroud
Jan-98CU Amiga MagazineRC5-56 cracked
Dec-97CU Amiga MagazineRC5 cracked / Amiga RC5 effort cracks top 10
22-Nov-97Boardwatch MagazineDistributed Computing by Geoffrey Faivre-Malloy
(general distributed/RC5 article, Amiga mentioned)
22-Nov-97The LairInterview with Thomas Tavoly, Amiga RC5 Team effort coordinator by Erik Elgersma
Nov-97CU Amiga MagazineAmiga RC5 effort / Net God column
29-Oct-97Amiga Format MagazineAF104 - Crack Amiga RC5 team moves up by Ben Vost
18-Oct-97Daily Post and Liverpool EchoInternet column 'Wired' by Steve Harrison
17-Oct-97Windows MagazineSubdivide and Conquer by Serdar Yegulalp
(general RC5 article, Amiga client mentioned)
02-Oct-97Amiga Format MagazineAF103 - Break the barrier by Ben Vost
29-Sep-97Amiga Report 5.08Confessions Of an RC5 Co-Conspirator: A Virtual Diary by Jason Compton
16-Sep-97CU Amiga Magazine OnlineCU Amiga joins Amiga RC5 Team effort by Mat Bettinson

Any mention not contained here is welcome, we also welcome members of the press to enquire about the effort, please mail the effort coordinator at rc5(at) (Thomas Tavoly).